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Products features


One Wallet

available on iOS or Android.

  • Support QR payment
  • Top up via banks, Convenience stores and Credit card
  •  Peer to Peer (P to P) payment request
  • Global Remittance


Online Education

An online learning platform is an integrated set of interactive online services that provide trainers, learners, and others involved in education with information, tools and resources to support and enhance education delivery and management.


Interior Design

Just transform your home with our online interior design and personal shopping services. Work with professional designers and access our easy virtual interior design tools, to achieve your happy home effortlessly for everything you need, at a happy price.


Interior Design

Just transform your home with our online interior design and personal shopping services. Work with professional designers and access our easy virtual interior design tools, to achieve your happy home effortlessly for everything you need, at a happy price.